2011年5月29日 星期日

What would you do if you were the president?

If I were the president, I would rather to follow the example of western countries, the European countries and Asian countries.. We have to learn some good things from other countries and fix some systems in our country. First of all is using taxes wisely. People pay plenty of taxes to government but we gain little benefit or welfare. The central government or the local government sometimes they use these taxes inappropriately. They use taxes to build some building, however, it turn into ruins. People pay all these taxes and the government give us nothing useful. For instance, Sweden using high personal income tax rates, through high taxes, to achieve welfare and security of the funds. If I were the president, I will give my people lots of benefits or welfare, such as long-term parental leave, sick leave to health insurance benefits, from unemployment insurance and pensions, to compulsory education, a wide range, known as the "cradle to grave" protection.
Second, I want to do is fixing the education system. We pay lots of taxes but we need to pay a big amount tuition. As part of the high welfare, Sweden is one of the few countries to implement free education for all, not only from primary school to university graduate schools are free of charge. 1-5 year-old child was sent to public kindergarten. children aged 6-16 are integrated into the school, consists of three stages of nine. after graduation, 90% of students entering high school continue to learn, and then pass the qualifying exam to enter college. some swedes work directly after high school.  I believe that we should fix our education system because the quality of students is getting more and more worst now.
Being a president is very difficult and it's hard to satisfy everyone. However, it takes time to do these change to country.  As you know, being a president is not an easy job, and if he or she is a president of Taiwan, I wish he or she will change Taiwan.

