2011年5月29日 星期日

What would you do if you were the president?

If I were the president, I would rather to follow the example of western countries, the European countries and Asian countries.. We have to learn some good things from other countries and fix some systems in our country. First of all is using taxes wisely. People pay plenty of taxes to government but we gain little benefit or welfare. The central government or the local government sometimes they use these taxes inappropriately. They use taxes to build some building, however, it turn into ruins. People pay all these taxes and the government give us nothing useful. For instance, Sweden using high personal income tax rates, through high taxes, to achieve welfare and security of the funds. If I were the president, I will give my people lots of benefits or welfare, such as long-term parental leave, sick leave to health insurance benefits, from unemployment insurance and pensions, to compulsory education, a wide range, known as the "cradle to grave" protection.
Second, I want to do is fixing the education system. We pay lots of taxes but we need to pay a big amount tuition. As part of the high welfare, Sweden is one of the few countries to implement free education for all, not only from primary school to university graduate schools are free of charge. 1-5 year-old child was sent to public kindergarten. children aged 6-16 are integrated into the school, consists of three stages of nine. after graduation, 90% of students entering high school continue to learn, and then pass the qualifying exam to enter college. some swedes work directly after high school.  I believe that we should fix our education system because the quality of students is getting more and more worst now.
Being a president is very difficult and it's hard to satisfy everyone. However, it takes time to do these change to country.  As you know, being a president is not an easy job, and if he or she is a president of Taiwan, I wish he or she will change Taiwan.

2011年5月28日 星期六

The worst teacher you've ever met

The worst teacher I've ever met is Victoria who is a English teacher of mine. She graduated from the well-known college in UK, also I think she is very proud of her highly educated. Therefore, her accent is very strong just like the British accent, it's very hard to understand for some word and sounds very annoying. However, sometimes, I seriously doubt her highly educated and how did she get that. For example, she want us to practice TOEIC practice test , and she doesn't give us some papers, all she wants us to look at the screen. It's very inconvenient for us, we have to look up and then look down. Some students who sit in the front of the class will be blocked the sight, so the students in the back of the class have to stand  up to look at the screen and make the answers. It's very unfair for the students for sit in the back. Second, she always get some new information or something about competition very late. For instance, we have some competitions on May 30, but in the end, the competition is held on May 23. We have lots of time to prepare, however, she doesn't the match time is change. Third, she always says that I can go abroad easily, and she thinks the money is not a big deal.  It is a big deal for me or my parents to afford those money. If I really be an exchange student, I will have to rebuild a bunch of credits if I come back. I think she is totally freak out ore something. You know what, if she thinks that is a small amount, why don't she just gives me the money?
That's why I seriously doubt her higtly educated. She does everything without using the common sense. Maybe she needs to use her highly educated more and people will doubt her educated.

2011年5月21日 星期六

How to we do if we don't have high-tech products.

People nowadays use high technological products everyday in everywhere.
For example, we use computer everyday for shopping, doing homework, chatting with friends surfing the Web, and doing a lot of things. Flat screen is also a high-tech product in our house. We watch TV all the time and it's a good way to connect out familyship. People watch TV everyday, and one study shows that we could be clumsy if we watch TV for time. Cellphone is an important part of our life. We use cellphone for lots of functions, listening music, watching videos, surfing the Internet, using Google map, playing game...etc.
There are plenty of high-tech products, such as cellphone, flat screen,
There are plenty of high-tech products in this world now. We use cellphone, flat screen, computer, NB, touch refreg, touch screen, iPod, iPhone, HTC, Sony...etc.
It's very hard of us to cut off these products. Actually, I have no idea how it will be if we live without those. I'm so happy to be here, living in this generation. Also, I think that new technology can help us to find new way to see this world and make it a better place for us to live.